How to Not go Broke Ranching: Things I Learned the Hard Way in Fifty Years of Ranching

Author: Walt Davis

Category: Cattle Ranching, Ranch Management

Why I recommend this book

This book will give you a lot to think about as you set up and manage your own cattle ranching business plan. It is tongue-in-cheek and has a great conversational tone, yet the business concepts he discusses within its pages are second-to-none. His holistic approach to ranch management challenges many of the long-held 'truths' you hear discussed at the cattle auction yard about how a ranch should be run, yet that's precisely why he's made money in the industry while the majority of cattle ranchers either have off-farm jobs to support their farming habits or are never more than one bad year away from bankruptcy. This book is packed with wisdom!


How to Not go Broke Ranching, by Walt Davis

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Use the links below to explore How to Not go Broke Ranching: Things I Learned the Hard Way in Fifty Years of Ranching on Amazon.

From the Publisher: How to Not go Broke Ranching is the irreverent and sometimes humorous effort of a multi-generation rancher to help people keep from making all of the mistakes that he made in fifty + years of ranching. It is drawn from real life though some names are changed or not given to protect the guilty.

The vast majority of ranches in the United States, whether commercial or life style, are neither profitable nor sustainable; the author explains why this is so and what must be done to improve the situation. The changes in philosophy and in management practices required to do this are spelled out in some detail by a man who used them to turn an almost bankrupt ranch into a consistently profitable and stable operation.

The book is not a how-to cookbook but rather is an attempt to get people to think of ranching, and agriculture in general, as the biological endeavors, run on sunshine and rainfall that they once were and should be again, rather than the industrial enterprises that are common today. The methods described have been proven effective by people all over the world and their results can be duplicated by anyone who is willing to think through the situation and is not afraid to be different.

The management described is not yet universally accepted but it works from all standpoints: it is financially sound, ecologically sound and it is a good way to live and raise a family. Both the new, or would be, rancher just starting out and the established rancher will find information and advice in this book that can be used to make their operation more profitable, less dependent on purchased inputs and markets and a whole lot more fun.

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